This morning begins as all mornings begin. Only this time I am feeling a little more aware of each moment. The sun seems to come up a minute later everyday. To wake up with the sun feels like home. She knows all there is to know about how the earth works and comes when she is supposed to. She also heads off to sleep in the evening at just the right time. In these last days of ripe summer I will take full advantage of the suns bright rays. For it wont be long before she hibernates in the winter and blesses us with her shining beauty a little less each day.
I can see the sunflowers that we planted a couple of weeks ago are already acting in proper sunflower fashion. Even though there are no flowers, the broad leaves are rotating back and forth soaking up the energy which is coming from above. The plants have grown to an enormous size in such a quick length of time. It is one month into the new season of fading sunlight, and all our work and efforts are proving fruitful. The lessons being learned each day vary from water to bugs and directly inside to how we as humans work. At times it feels as though I am learning too much. The dreams and visions flow freely. Each moment a new vision comes through and the inspiration is almost blinding.
For now, it's dealing with the moments within this day. Inspecting the insects and figuring out how to handle the situation. Cleaning the garden and removing all weeds we can get to in one day and following the garden path of randomness to whatever new moment pops up. In my mind I will be focused on water, and homes. I will take heed of the sunflowers awesome power and direct my attention to the one light in the sky which outshines them all. Tonight, I know I will sleep well.
1 comment:
I miss you Sarah! i think about you a bunch, I hope you are doing well... we haven't had a chace to talk lately... I miss that!
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