Energy & Equity/ Ivan Illich
When I was a child, my favorite afternoon activity was to pedal around on my bike. To invent new places traveled and take "friends" along the way. I would ride for hours up and down the couple of streets around whatever house I lived in at the time. The freedom which I felt while riding in the open air was indescribable.
I look back and wonder why I allowed the temptations of "normal" life to take over the simple beauties. Instead of riding my bike to school I rode the bus and dreamt of the day I could be behind the wheel of a massive four wheeled "beauty" of modern technology. I dropped the simple ideals and worked towards a more established well off "style". The bike was forgotten. Years have passed and I think of all the lost time spent in a typical life. I miss the bike rides, I miss the freedom. The annoyance of consumeristic america has rocked me off the boat and I am swimming against the current, ready to be free.
My next step is to find a bicycle. Because so much time will be spent with her, and so much will be placed upon this endeavor, I must be wise in my searching. A good bike which fits and flows with the ways of this path. A bike which will take me wherever I want to go.........
1 comment:
Hello ms Sarah. Sue Mogan forwarded your blog to me to view. Evidently I am too materialistic to have been included in your plans, but I wanted to say hello and wish you well. I am over the whole "abandoning me with the yearbook" issue, I promise. It came out well. Sue says you are coming to CO and will be camping on her land. You have very high asperations and I wish you well...honestly I do! So I'll keep tabs through your blog and will be able to keep on your life. Your mom is another issue altogether. I'll save that for another day.
Just don't forget your roots...they can be important for tree hugging. hehe.
This comment is sent with love from Linda Ochse.
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