Gandhi has been inspiring me lately. To act in non violent, love filled ways towards goodness and greatness. The quote on the inside of my honest tea cap read "An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind." Words spoken from truth.
My mantra for the summer and fall months has been....
"live simply that others may simply live"
Everyday I say this to myself as an affirmation to why I am doing what I am doing. The lifestyle I have chosen brings me face to face with intense issues and massive choices. I struggle while walking upstream in this society based in fear and sadness. The currents flow against me and at times I feel so alone, even while in amongst it all.
I find strength within myself while living here in the desert. I see what sustainability really is all about and I'm learning the life lessons of my time which will thrust me into the future. The goals are set. To live the good life is the fuel which energizes my intention. To help create a good life for others to live is where I find happiness.
Learning how to make a home. From the ground up. What it means to live and grow and learn. That's what is next.
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