Here in Colorado, the weekend has been spent in many ways. A Communiky Techno Arts Festival was rockin' Boulder while people were being educated on the righteous herb. Tomorrow, the infamous 4.20 will bring all the stoners into the streets to profess their love for the magical plant.
My love for this plant is not only based in the excited state of consciousness it offers but also in the powerful diversity it holds as an enduring weed. A weed which has the potential to provide us with so much. We sit and subsidize type 2 corn and deplete our soil. Yet we could be growing hemp and supplying ourselves with all kinds of products. Anything that is not glass or metal can be made from hemp, (cannabis). We could be producing oil from it, plastics, food, clothing.
Instead of being a random stoner and focusing on apathy...tomorrow I educate. i advocate. the future is in our hands.
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