Looking at my desk which is filled with mostly books, a local hand made mug filled with pens and pencils a ball of wool yarn from Pennsylvania, my cell phone and random other trinkets, I had a hard time deciding what to choose. Then it hit me. My little zip pouch made from recycled bicycle tubes inspired me to look up where it came from and the company which made it.
Green Guru is a high quality, high performance outdoor and lifestyle gear line, using all recycled, reclaimed and sustainable materials. All products are manufactured within 18 miles of the Boulder office. They believe that the more products they manufacture the more carbon footprints they and others reduce. The reclamation engineers who have helped design this process claim it’s a true cradle to cradle, closed-loop one. My little 3” by 7” pouch is made from recycled bicycle tires. They also remake items with highway bill boards and vinyl banners, neoprene wetsuits and nylon climbing rope. All items which can not be recycled or are cost inefficient.
Ecologic Designs is a group in Boulder Colorado who is passionate about progressing the status quo of design and manufacture. They have helped design a model to follow for businesses to be sustainable. Green Guru works along side them to be connected with sustainable operations such as recycling stations, reclamation stations, etc.
I could go into detail about where the bicycle tires come from, but I think we all know this. Instead of focusing on the issues so deeply and pointing them out, my goal is to learn how to effect change within this unstable system.